White Sage & Palo Santo

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White Sage & Palo Santo

15,00  IVA incluído

White Sage
White sage has been used for centuries by the Indians for its extraordinary energy-cleansing power.
Coming from California, white sage is considered sacred, to ward off evil spirits and negative energies, as well as to attract health, prosperity, and protection.
It has the power to balance your personal energy, raising your energy vibration, allowing you to feel calm and in peace.

Palo Santo
Palo Santo means sacred magic. Due to its properties it is a true amulet for purifying energies, spiritual and energetic cleansing, relaxing the mind, promoting an environment of calm and tranquility, completely clean of negative energies.
These small wooden sticks come from Peru and Ecuador and are only picked up when they fall naturally from the trees.
The smell that Pau Santo emits is the essential oil of the tree itself and it smells helps to alleviate symptoms of allergies, alleviates stress and anxiety, helps in cases of sleep disturbances, relieves nausea and helps to reduce any pain and inflammation.

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How to use it?

White sage torch for energy purification.
Take your torch and burn one of the ends (blow as if you were lighting a normal incense). Go through your house with the torch to be able to purify all the spaces through the smoke trail that the torch is releasing. Draw small spirals of smoke in each corner of each room. At the end, place the torch at chest level and let the smoke purify your energy. Never extinguish the torch, let it extinguish itself.

Palo Santo
To start, just burn one end and it will start to release a soft white smoke. Start by purifying your energy, from the bottom up. Let the smoke clear your aura. Then you can let it burn in a safe place. Pau Santo will eventually extinguish on its own.

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