Menopause self-test
Menopause self-test
17,40 € (Incluído IVA 23%)
Self-test for the determination of The Folicula Stimulating Hormone in the urine.
Menopause is the consequence of the end of the life cycle of ovarian follicles that leads to an increase in circulatory levels of Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH) in this new phase of the woman’s cycle.
MENOPAUSE FSH is an immunochromatographic test, which detects FSH through special monoclonal antibodies conjugated to gold, incorporated into the reactive test strip.
It is intended for women aged 45 years and over.
Each pack contain:
2 sealed aluminium bags, each containing:
1 test device and 1 descant bag;
1 package leaflet
How to take the test:
Remove the protective cover by exposing the absorbent tip;
Place the absorbent tip directly under the urine stream for at least 10 seconds.
Alternatively (if easier) urine can be collected directly into a clean, dry, residue-free (not supplied) container and the absorbent tip can be dipped in urine for 10 seconds.
Place the protective cover back on the absorbent tip. Wait 5 minutes and check the result.
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